Terms & Conditions

Trial Classes:

Students considering starting their dancing passion at Nicole Louise Dance Studios are entitled to one free trial class prior to enrolment. To book a trial class please follow the instructions on Class4Kids.


If your child decides to continue taking classes with us, please contact us via email to let us know and we will provide you with link to book on to the class via Class4Kids. You will be required to fill out an online registration form, a photo/video consent form, and you will receive a copy of our safeguarding and privacy policies alongside a copy of our terms and conditions. Once this is completed, your child will be enrolled in to the dance school and payment will be made via Class4Kids

Fees, Refunds and Termination of Classes:

Fees are payable on a half termly basis (6 times per academic year). You will be sent an invoice prior to the term starting and payment is due before the first class of the term unless alternative arrangements have been made on a case-by-case basis.

No refunds will be given due to illness, holidays or other absences such as medical appointments etc. and fees are non-refundable.

If a class has to be cancelled by Nicole Louise Dance Studios, you will be notified via email and we will post on our social media pages. The class will be rearranged for another date, for example an additional class at the end of the half term. Unfortunately, we will be unable to provide a refund if you cannot attend the rearranged session.

If your child does not wish to continue their classes with us, please inform us via email a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the new half term. Failure to inform us will result in an invoice being issued for the following half term. If a student leaves mid-way through a half term, no refunds will be given.


We encourage all students to attend classes in the correct uniform. Uniform can be purchased on our online shop, http://nls.mydancestore.co.uk/ and any commission made by the dance school goes towards the purchase of costumes for our annual show.

Code of Conduct:

Students should arrive promptly to class and be ready to learn. During class, students should show good class etiquette and behaviour, for example listening when others are talking and following instructions given by the teacher and/or teaching assistant.

We do not tolerate bullying of any kind. If a student is found to be bullying or causing harm to another student, a member of staff or parents of students, we will discuss this with the parent/carer and no immediate change in behaviour will result in the student to be dismissed from the school and no refund will be given.


Teaching dance is a physical activity and physical contact may be necessary in order to enhance a child’s learning and understanding of alignment and certain dance movements. These corrections will only be given when necessary and will be given with great care.

If you have any concerns regarding this, please contact Miss Nicole via email.

Student Safety:

Safety of students at Nicole Louise Dance Studios is at the forefront of our practice. Please ensure students are seen into the building and are collected promptly at the end of their lesson. If your child is old enough to make their own way home, or may be picked up by another family member or friend from time to time, please send written consent of this to Miss Nicole at nldancelincoln@gmail.com.

Please ensure you or your child inform us of any injuries before the start of their class to enable us to cater for this appropriately. We also encourage your child to always bring a water bottle to class and for longer sessions, a small snack may be sensible to provide your child with enough energy and remain hydrated throughout their classes.

Occasionally, we may take photos and videos in our classes for advertising purposes. Please ensure you have filled out the photo consent form sent out alongside registration forms. You can change your decision at any time by emailing Miss Nicole.